GAMMA EPSILON’S LAST WEEK OF PLEDGING STARTS TODAY! #ONEMOREWEEK! I had a blast during our Fraternity social event. Each and every one of my PBs have such big hearts. I could not have picked a better time to pledge. I could not have picked any other pledge class. I could not have gone through 7 weeks of pledging without my PBs💖 As for my Big, seriously thank you for everything. Thanks for dealing with my shit💪🏼 Once I cross you can see this post 😅 Anyways thanks for being my big and helping me through the process. For the mean time I’m going to make you proud and cross this week. I can’t wait until we get initiation! LOVE YOU GUYS! #GammaEpsilonForLife #GETASNAPCHATDERREKANDANINSTAGRAMTOO