"When I don’t know what to do anymore stylistically, I always come back to @Emmanuelle_Alt" / https://t.co/5lhQR5tLtz #LoveStyleLife
Rachel Lacebal
Dear Garance,
Thank you for going AWOL from the blog to write this book. I started reading it today, and i am half way through.....but i love it! it's like every question i would have loved to ask you answered. i read your blog nearly everyday - it's like a sanctuary from work! or company on a sunday morning when i'm waiting for the better half to wake up! lol
Basically, I love that it's still "you" and who your readers know you to be. in my opinion, books tend to be pretentious, or like show a different, less personable side. Like all of a sudden the author has become way too formal and... (i don't actually know where this comment is going so i might have to leave it now...) not that your completely informal.. but.. i guess i mean, it's what i would have expected.. and much better!
i'm not usually all "crazy-fan-like" but your blog/you/your team have all been such an inspiration and motivation to me that i must must must, with the most enthusiasm ever, say thank you! for sharing your work/your talents/your loves/you life... and being so genuine. not that you're an oversharer - you do it with pride and dignity, but still bring that "realness" and humor with it all. you make flaws sound like a fun learning curve, and not a depressing "i want to fall into a hole" scenario. I could go on forever but i am starting to sound like a psycho fan.
I hope to meet you on your book tour!
Rachel x
RT @garancedore: To me, @Emmanuelle_Alt represents the ideal of a woman who is truly comfortable in her own skin... / https://t.co/guCeIncq…
RT @garancedore: To me, @Emmanuelle_Alt represents the ideal of a woman who is truly comfortable in her own skin... / https://t.co/guCeIncq…
#LoveStyleLife par @garancedore va bien avec l'automne 👌 https://t.co/aebZsPU7D6
To me, @Emmanuelle_Alt represents the ideal of a woman who is truly comfortable in her own skin... / https://t.co/guCeIncqv7 #LoveStyleLife
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