Last night was the book signing and celebration of the release of one of my favorite fashion photographer, illustrator and writer @garancedore . I met her about 3 years for a book signing tour she was apart of and was legit awestruck and beyond. Well here It is 2015 and the feelings did not change. I instantly became that screaming preteen I never was (I screamed in my head) and giggled and blushed once it was my turn to meet her. Garance was so sweet and awesometastic and laughed at my antics. I showed her my fan hurling texts amongst my friend (@gippolito) who wasn’t able to come and she suggested we snap chat her….I slid out of my chair in glee (in my head obviously because I am a lady– lol)…ok this is getting long. Basically my night was made and Garance is EVERYTHING and more. #garancedore #GDxCM #clubmonaco #Philly #LoveStyleLife