“The very first design book I read was written by @pentagramdesign partner Michael Bierut, and his recently published monograph ‘How to Use Graphic Design to Sell Things, Explain Things, Make Things Look Better, Make People Laugh, Make People Cry, and (Every Once in a While) Change the World’ is an impressive collection of great design, and even better advice. Bierut writes, ‘Graphic design, where form is so dependent on content, is a perfect way to learn about the world. I design best when I’m interested in the subject matter. As a result, I’ve learned to be as interested in as many things as possible.’” @lizellegalaz, Visual Designer. Also reading: #NotoriousRBG, #LoveStyleLife, #DesignAsArt, #LogoModernism, #ThoughtsOnDesign, #Purity, and #BrandThinkingAndOtherNoblePursuits.