Hello from my new desk at my new job this new year, featuring the cutest new calendar so thoughtfully gifted by @ms_cristina_maria! Excited and grateful and surprised all at once about the next step up in the staircase of my career. [story of the journey of arriving to this point on my blog: www.citybirdchar.wordpress.com, accessible from the link in my bio]. I know first impressions can be misleading, but two days in and I am so obsessed and happy about everything. 😍🙏🏼 #GaranceDore #LesFemmes #lovestylelife #fashionmarketing #fashionblogger #upwardandonward #sayyestothejob #girlboss #PRwithChar #CharinChicago #seeyousoonNYC #neversettle #makethemgold #deskdecor #deskstyling #desksituation