#sunday reading #lovestylelife @garancedore open to my favorite page @thenewpotato got it on amazon… https://t.co/IuSY8UYCuU
Tweet from monicarkosann
by @monicarkosann
#sunday reading #lovestylelife @garancedore open to my favorite page @thenewpotato got it on amazon… https://t.co/IuSY8UYCuU
Learning more about the #lovestylelife @garancedore #book on the @marikabougere #cantwait #2december… https://t.co/Uj7qk5AX8m
Easy like a sunday morning… #thegoodmorningpost #happysunday #themoodoftheday #lovestylelife… https://t.co/pITjcwKpHI
I need to get @garancedore’s new book. My life depends on it. #lovestylelife 💕💁🏽
Really loving @GaranceDore’s #LoveStyleLife book. So so good!#mes2petitesetoiles Sent via planogr.am… https://t.co/okkfxzuj9u